Another new start of the week. Monday monday monday. Weekend passed so fast. I haven't even yet enjoy enough with my sweet little weekend. Hubby zhu had to work on both Saturday and Sunday night. So poor thing. But he can rest soon.
Last week we had went to see some houses. For the very 1 and 2 house, we din't really like it. It was so old and had a lot of things to be renovated. On 19th August 2008, we went to see 2 houses in Yew Tee. The first one was @ 683A, 10th floor. It was quite nice except for the Master bedroom. We had to renovate it. As for the second one, it really suit our taste. Me and hubby zhu like the house, but too bad, we still have not gotten our PR yet. But we decided, if the house is still not sold when we gotten the PR, we will buy it. It is very difficult for us to like thing so easily. The house need not much renovation. The most we only need to renovate the master bedroom. The view is nice also. Have so much privacy. We also got 40k discount as we are living near parents.
We had to just pray the house is still not sold when the PR arrived. If that the case, the main problem is we have not enough cash money. How How How? 20k cash? Where to get? Trying hard to find.
p/s: Still want the house soon. So we can enjoy "er ren shi jie". We can spend our first chinese new year there. Hehe!!!
*********Yesterday afternoon, we went out to help mummy buy 4D. Then to pasar malam to walk walk. It was raining. Hubby zhu bought me a baby pooh lunch box @ $7.90. So sweet of him. Next time can use it to ta bao to work le.
YEAH!!!He also bought one short for me at Cotton On. It was only $5. So cheap. It is in black color.
*********Last thursday, we ta bao to park and eat. It had been so long since we last eat in the park. It was so memorable. We then sat at the park and talk. Then at the playground below my block. We saw this cat. It was kind enough to sit there with us throughout our seat there.
I took picture of it yet it never even move. It never even scared of me.

The following two pictures are taken for Granous. She wanted to go to Vietnam and buy this two packet of coffee. Haha.....