finally, Chevelle has joined our family on 01112011. it was a busy day for the hospital too. many babies came out to the world on this special date.
giving birth to Chevelle is really a close shave. I cried then moment I saw her. the cord tied her neck 2 rounds and 1 round her hand. she must be having hard life inside. lucky she is fine and healthy. hope that she will be also healthy and have good wealth.
note to Chevelle :
Chevelle, mummy had a hard time giving birth to you even is only 3 hours of pain. but the pain was so unbearable. seeing you tied up by the cord, my heart stops. but when I know everything is over, my heart lighten.
mummy now praying for you to be healthy and have a good life ahead.
mummy love you and welcome you to join our family.
now I hope that our family is happy. and praying that the whole family having good wealth and health.

our baby Chevelle

angus carrying her baby sister Chevelle